Monday, August 13, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
No more posts for awhile

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Radio tag built into clothing.
Since there was usually someone different at the door it was getting to be a pain in the butt as I had to empty my pockets etc, etc. to make sure I was not stealing anything. As much of a pain as it was I just thought it was something in me. even joking about alien
Well yesterday after mentioning it to one of the employees there for the hundredth time we endded up using one of their scanners on every part of my body and clothing. I had removed the security tags long ago but lo and behold I and the teller missed one. It was behind the tag and under two layers of cloth. The only way it could get there was in the making of the jacket. And why was it not doing anything for the first couple months? I understand the tags placed there for security but why place it where it can not be removed? Or even known about by staff? I bent the heck out of it and I no longer set the alarms off. I could not remove it without cutting up the coat and I still need it.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
More high altitude spraying?

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Alien spaceship passes overhead

Odd light seen while fishing. Moving South to North, steady speed, no sound. Never mentioned it to the other two guys in the boat as they were busy catching fish and have no interest in these things. I've seen so many it's hard to get excited anymore. OK maybe it isn't an alien spaceship but it is not an airplane or satellite either. It's not landing lights or a large (very large) glowing bug. It's not a balloon or Thia lantern. Ball lightning doesn't explain it, nor does swamp gas., right.
Tell me the most stupid thing you think it is and win a government job!
Kidding, no job promised or implyed.
Monday, June 11, 2007
What a fun Monday.

Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Jenny flies!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Odd light crosses city.

I was walking home when I looked up and saw this bright object slowly making it's way across the city. It was round and seemed to be reflecting the light rather than being white. then it just up and left. It was rather high up as this picture was taken at 22x. Two guys setting up for the carnival also saw it but didn't seem that interested. It's movement was steady and did not look like it was being blown around. when zoomed in on the object it shows distortion around it. With my polorized sunglasses off I could not see it at the height it was at.
Labels: ufo
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
New R/C takes to the sky.

Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I'm back!!

Well spring is here and a new season for UFO sightings is about to begin. The last month was spent flying some of my many R/C aircraft which at last count is around 40+ with 4 more coming next week. I know have all the rigging to mount my camcorder to my spotting scope and do some long range clear and in focus video taping. As it is I have been mounting the camera on a tripod and hooking it up to my projector and watching the moon go by in real time on a 90 inch screen..looks great on high zoom.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Orb light trail - update.

Orb light trail

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Could Orbs be real living things.

I was reading another article about orbs yesterday in which the author tries hard to get people to believe they are nothing more than camera or lens problems or a trick of light. Now I'm not going to mention his name or the article title because people don't need that garbage going into their heads. Having said that I must say that I still am not convinced that these "things" are no more than some form of life, be it insect or otherwise, that we have yet to identify. Any, and I mean any, time you read an article or see a story about orbs on T.V. and the person said they are tricks of the camera you can be assured that they have NEVER tried to study them in real time and are just giving their own opinion based on some footage they were shown. In the last two months I have watched and filmed these orbs for almost 300 hours and I have seen them play with my cat, chase each other and go into and out of walls and other objects with ease. To say they are dust blown by air currents, again, is the opinion of someone who has never looked at this themselves or an opinion based in fear.
How can dust cast it's own light? I've seen dust in the air and it just floats there never moving with much speed or suddenly changing direction while the other dust particles continue to move in the other direction. Dust is quite small while orbs can be rather large with 3-4 inchs being the largest I've seen of the round ones. The ribbon types seem to be about 5-8 inchs and dance like a feather on a breeze, but without the breeze. I've lite candles to show if there are any air currents around while hanging strips of paper to also show air movement. Orbs zip back and forth, up and down while the candles and paper were unmoved. They can go from a stand still to moving faster than the eye can follow in a split second while doing 90 degree turns.
Unlike Rods, Orbs can be watched by anyone with a camcorder that has some sort of nightshot infrared on it. Although they can be seen with normal cameras it is harder as they tend to blend in with the surrounding light. Orbs are around 24/7/365 but the darker the better as their light is quite dim. You don't need a graveyard or haunted house, just sit in your livingroom with the lights out and camera rolling.
My computer desk and T.V. have dust on them a lot as that's just the way it is in this town. How come only a few orbs show up at a time? What about the millions of dust particles floating through the air at any given time? Even if they have to turn just right to "glow" for the camera wouldn't many others also? I'm asking these questions to make you, the reader, think, not to convince myself of anything. I know they are alive. I just don't know what they are.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Graveyard Snowman

Not much happening, strange wise anyway, so I've been out flying, watching the Snowbirds do a few passes, even an icefishing trip or two. At least I'm getting out. I've been getting quite a lot of orb footage, some of which I've posted on youtube. Since going with this new blogger I can't add videos to the site. Is it just me or am I missing something? After filming some of my R/C flights, buddy puts the camcorder on the dash of his truck while it was still on record. No big deal but when we watched the days flight footage he noticed the "man" buried in the snowbank. The funny part is that right on the other side of that snowbank are about 100+ graves in the city center grave yard. Less than 24 hours till I find out what the insurance company is going to do about my settelment. No use worrying about it as it will be what it will be and I'll go from there. They've been ok so far so it will be fair or get the lawyer time, whatever, it's not the first time I've had to sell everything and start over and I'm sure it's not going to be the last. The only constant is change.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Orb casts it's own light.