Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Well it's time to say good bye to the internet. The insurance company, dispite the over abundance of medical information, including them saying I'm totally cripped from working at my old job, has canceled my policy and will not payout . So untill the appeal goes through I have to cancel my cable and internet, sell my aquarium, T.V. and computer to help pay for the lawyer and get rid of my pet I've had for 17 years to help eliminate any incoming bills. For all those who visited this site...thank you and untill sometime in the far future good bye.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Orb light trail - update.

If this is just a reflection off of the pictures then how do you explain the light streaks going through the doorway and into the next room and onto the far wall? The fact is it's not on the far wall but in the air going through the doorway away from anything solid. How do you make a reflection be seen through midair, without smoke?

Orb light trail

I took this one the other night. While I've only managed to get maybe 5 shots of them leaving these light trails I think this one is the best for showing that it is not dust. I mean how can dust move faster than the shutter speed while leaving a streak of light? And no it is not a reflection off something as can be seen by the way the one section intersects with the other and the rather uneven amount of light ending in a ball. Put something that glows on the end of a string and swing it around while taking a picture of it and you will know how much different the light is from a reflection. Thats the sort of effect these things sometimes make.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Could Orbs be real living things.

I was reading another article about orbs yesterday in which the author tries hard to get people to believe they are nothing more than camera or lens problems or a trick of light. Now I'm not going to mention his name or the article title because people don't need that garbage going into their heads. Having said that I must say that I still am not convinced that these "things" are no more than some form of life, be it insect or otherwise, that we have yet to identify. Any, and I mean any, time you read an article or see a story about orbs on T.V. and the person said they are tricks of the camera you can be assured that they have NEVER tried to study them in real time and are just giving their own opinion based on some footage they were shown. In the last two months I have watched and filmed these orbs for almost 300 hours and I have seen them play with my cat, chase each other and go into and out of walls and other objects with ease. To say they are dust blown by air currents, again, is the opinion of someone who has never looked at this themselves or an opinion based in fear.

How can dust cast it's own light? I've seen dust in the air and it just floats there never moving with much speed or suddenly changing direction while the other dust particles continue to move in the other direction. Dust is quite small while orbs can be rather large with 3-4 inchs being the largest I've seen of the round ones. The ribbon types seem to be about 5-8 inchs and dance like a feather on a breeze, but without the breeze. I've lite candles to show if there are any air currents around while hanging strips of paper to also show air movement. Orbs zip back and forth, up and down while the candles and paper were unmoved. They can go from a stand still to moving faster than the eye can follow in a split second while doing 90 degree turns.

Unlike Rods, Orbs can be watched by anyone with a camcorder that has some sort of nightshot infrared on it. Although they can be seen with normal cameras it is harder as they tend to blend in with the surrounding light. Orbs are around 24/7/365 but the darker the better as their light is quite dim. You don't need a graveyard or haunted house, just sit in your livingroom with the lights out and camera rolling.

My computer desk and T.V. have dust on them a lot as that's just the way it is in this town. How come only a few orbs show up at a time? What about the millions of dust particles floating through the air at any given time? Even if they have to turn just right to "glow" for the camera wouldn't many others also? I'm asking these questions to make you, the reader, think, not to convince myself of anything. I know they are alive. I just don't know what they are.