Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Almost the same

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Even more soho wierdness

It's not remenants of a flair and if it's a comet tail it's a strange one.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

contrails become clouds part 2

Another nice day turned to crap because the contrials spread out and became a covering cloud mass....and it only took about a half an hour.

Friday, October 06, 2006

You tell me what it is?

Too big to be a bug, it seems to be round yet has no wings. Is it a bird? Shutter speed was high and shot was directly overhead.

Turn down the field so I can get a clear photo.

We are born with our eyes open, we die with our eyes open, yet in between we see nothing.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Just an example

Here is a photo I took yesterday of an airplane at the highest altitude that they pass over us at. It was a nice day and the aircraft left no contrail. When zoomed in it is quite clearly an airplane. I have been taking random photos of birds and such at various distances to compare with photos I take of the "Others" as I've come to call them. I still have yet to come across any that even slightly match any of my other photos. Winged bugs show up as winged bugs and birds look like birds and planes are clearly planes. In all my years sky watching I've never seen a satillite during the day yet thats sometimes what those who see my pictures say I'm seeing. Denial based on fear I'd say, eh?