Friday, May 25, 2007

Odd light crosses city.

I was walking home when I looked up and saw this bright object slowly making it's way across the city. It was round and seemed to be reflecting the light rather than being white. then it just up and left. It was rather high up as this picture was taken at 22x. Two guys setting up for the carnival also saw it but didn't seem that interested. It's movement was steady and did not look like it was being blown around. when zoomed in on the object it shows distortion around it. With my polorized sunglasses off I could not see it at the height it was at.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Well no R/C flying today I guess. This is what I saw when I woke up this morning. And to all my friends who never learned not to go camping on the first long weekend because the weather is never good I say...HAHAHAHAHA

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New R/C takes to the sky.

Well I added another toy to my fleet and this one is a hoot to fly! On the UFO front I heard of a local sighting that was seen by 3 and as many as 6 people that involved a huge triange at the local lookout over the Peace River. This happened a couple of months ago and I have no other information about it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Odd Lights

Let the strangness begin! I'm not saying they are alien craft but they are not bugs, nor are they water spots on the camera.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm back!!

Well spring is here and a new season for UFO sightings is about to begin. The last month was spent flying some of my many R/C aircraft which at last count is around 40+ with 4 more coming next week. I know have all the rigging to mount my camcorder to my spotting scope and do some long range clear and in focus video taping. As it is I have been mounting the camera on a tripod and hooking it up to my projector and watching the moon go by in real time on a 90 inch screen..looks great on high zoom.