Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Disc shaped UFO zips by.

This odd craft made a few second appearance at 5:14pm today on the east side of town. It was traveling west, no sound was heard. I was over at a friends house holding a garden hose to put out any grass fires while he used the grinder to remove some old bolts off a length of fence. This provided myself with about 4 hours of sky watching in which I was rewarded with this photo.

Object moved against the wind while in the vertical position. The other two objects seem to be more of those orbs but I did not see them at the time. I'd put its altitude at between 1500 - 2000 feet. My camera was at 3x optical zoom.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Bell Blimp and unknowns

The pinkish ones I'm sure are birds but the bright ones are not. They seem to be the orbs I've been filming for awhile now. The Bell Blimp was about 1000 feet up I think. It was a nice windless day.

Monday, May 22, 2006

UFO or British Government plasma gas ?

Yet another orb like object traveling west to east.

Shot at 22x zoom

video posted to blog.

Of the hundeds of objects I've seen with my own eyes in the last couple of years, these are the most common. I have no idea what they are, just that they are. I have a idea about sightings in the north and why they are down at certain times of the year. I'm about 5' 8" and when standing straight and looking South, the sun at it's highest lines up with the brim of my hat. This means that I and many others walk with our heads slightly down. Hardly good for watching the sky as your traveling. Just an idea.

I am slowly building a file of UFO sightings in the oil patch. Unfortunatly the ridicule factor around the patch is great. There have been a few really good sightings and these tend to have mulitple witnesses. Of course all reports remain anonymous and for the time being private.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Yet another strange object overhead

It still amazes me how much goes on above our heads while we walk around unaware.

SOHO shows strange flash

Once again the SOHO satillite shows something wierd going on around our sun.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Northern UFO

I was going over some photos from last month when I noticed that the one object moves very little compared to the two ravens that flew by. Still does not help to show what the object is but it does help to show that it was just slowly floating there when I saw it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Is it just me or does the object that appears near the sun through the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ( SoHo) Satillite at time code 03.45 aprox. 2006/05/17 17:06 Lasco C2 at seem to match the object I filmed on June 19th 2004?

Bugs and unknowns version 2

The dark objects in this picture are bugs close up and seen during the shot. The other two however are something else altogether. The bugs are moving south to north while the two "orbs" are moving north to south. To the eye these white objects appear to be solid, about the size of a mini van and highly reflective. They make no sound and blend in with the blue sky quite well. They appear to be the same type that was seen in my photos of the sundog. Will have to put in some overtime to buy better equipment to help solve this puzzle.

Monday, May 15, 2006

More of those natural plasma balls I guess.

A little after 6:00pm I noticed these 2 orbs traveling to the south at a good clip. Wish I had my camcorder with zoom. This shot was looking west.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Ufo video filming method

Just to explain to some that these objects shown on my June 19th 2004 video were not nats filmed over the grass as it should be noted that the camera was set on the tripod at around a 65-75 degree angle and zoomed out to 40x and the roof is over 20 feet away. Could some of the objects be bugs? Yes, but most are not. And the two objects which passed by in almost perfect focus were definatly not. Some times when you watch that video these two objects pass by so fast they can be missed. Watch it a few times ( frame by frame if possible) to see what I mean. This is at 2:30pm with the old guy in the next yard to the right hammering away on his new deck and my friend finishing his fresh rebuilt deck niether of them heard or saw a thing. It was like the Mexico footage only at high speed.