UFO or British Government plasma gas ?

Yet another orb like object traveling west to east.
Shot at 22x zoom
video posted to blog.
Of the hundeds of objects I've seen with my own eyes in the last couple of years, these are the most common. I have no idea what they are, just that they are. I have a idea about sightings in the north and why they are down at certain times of the year. I'm about 5' 8" and when standing straight and looking South, the sun at it's highest lines up with the brim of my hat. This means that I and many others walk with our heads slightly down. Hardly good for watching the sky as your traveling. Just an idea.
I am slowly building a file of UFO sightings in the oil patch. Unfortunatly the ridicule factor around the patch is great. There have been a few really good sightings and these tend to have mulitple witnesses. Of course all reports remain anonymous and for the time being private.
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