Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunset on Charlie Lake

The perfect end to a great day of fishing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Alien spaceship passes overhead

Odd light seen while fishing. Moving South to North, steady speed, no sound. Never mentioned it to the other two guys in the boat as they were busy catching fish and have no interest in these things. I've seen so many it's hard to get excited anymore. OK maybe it isn't an alien spaceship but it is not an airplane or satellite either. It's not landing lights or a large (very large) glowing bug. It's not a balloon or Thia lantern. Ball lightning doesn't explain it, nor does swamp gas., right.

Tell me the most stupid thing you think it is and win a government job!

Kidding, no job promised or implyed.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What a fun Monday.

First thing at around 5:30am I got up to check the wind for another morning of flying the Jenny. It was too windy so I sat down for a second got back up and stubbed my toe on an inverter sitting on the floor. It seemed to hurt a little more than most times so I pulled of my sock, which was making a good sponge as I had split the nail in two and broke a bone. Little toe. After pulling off the nail, cleaning up a little I headed over to the hospital. Get back home and a couple off my fish were dead. Wind finally came down so I went and had a great flight, Always end the day with a smile, makes for a good night sleep.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Jenny flies!

This is one sweet flying airplane. The Cessna like plane is ok and the P-38 is great fun.