More ramblings from an old mann
Due to the amount of e-mail about my latest sighting I figured I could save some time and give a few details here as to why I have so many sightings when others have none.
I'll start off by saying I'm not a sensitive, I've never been abducted, heard voices, had contact or any other thing about this field of study other than to see them. The reason for this is quite simple. Two years ago I had an accident at work that left me with a permanent spinal injury. Nothing I can't deal with, just no more golf or fly fishing. I'm not going to go into details but any labor jobs are out too. This left myself with an abundance of time to watch the sky and hence the sometimes shaky video. So there you go, the only reason I see them is because I look. It's not rocket science. While I have no scientific data to back this up I'm sure that the average person spends around 15 minutes or less scanning the skies during the day, just a few seconds here or there. I spend between 2 to 3 hours. This is down from 5 hours as my insurance company now says that since I'm done their rehab program I have to start looking for work ( the fact that I never attended a rehad through them I thought was odd, but I'll do as they ask ).
If you want to improve your odds of seeing some of these strange objects you have to increase your viewing time. However, if this is not possible during your day there are a few things you can do such as watching around any contrails or cloud edges first. After awhile this will become second nature to you. Even with the amount of time I spend looking I'm only having an odd sighting once every 2 to 3 weeks as of late. Sometimes only once a month. If any of this helps , great, if not then oh well it's just the ramblings of an old mann(insert laugh track here).
Unless your Tom Petty I don't recommend increasing your viewing time while driving.
And if you do see something don't let the quest for anwsers take over your life. Your job and family come first. I've known a few who had problems with this and it's just not worth it.
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